Saturday, May 16, 2015

Morning walk

We often do a morning walk to work in with one of our 'lessons' and this morning I asked our next door neighbour if they wouldn't mind if we walked up their farm race.

Beautiful views here any weather.
We sat on the feance which had "the rot squad" (from magic school bus) in it we spent a while seeing the different bugs.
We talked about farming and who is supplied with the food grown there. How long it takes the grass to grow. The new planting the farmers have done in parts to work with water flow.
We talked about the early settlers that came from Scotland and how it would of looked when they arrived.
We talked about wildlife sanctuary on the islands we can see. We talked about fish sanctuarys up out at the Poor Knights.
Also out at the heads how there are Kiwi being released there to re-populate.
The weather was also a talking point about how it can be different in different areas.

Nice morning

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