Monday, July 13, 2015

Tears over the big black chickens

Oh dear!
We've lost one of our big black Orpington's. She was getting on a bit but its still very hard for DD9 and she was very upset she didn't get to hold it as it passed on which is what she has done for her other chickens.

We also have had to say no more. (Dave and I)
We can't look after the big black chickens as well as they deserve. They have a lovely home and better than some chickens but they are not part of the everyday family. They are just too big.
DS6 is not able to pick up his rooster which is pretty much the same size as him...and we can't let them out to roam around as this means the other roosters and chickens get intimidated...and then Sheldon the big rooster gets grumpy and starts pecking everyone. So DD9 is really a bit afraid of him....and DS6 will run screaming from not a good look really.

So we said that she will need to sell him or re-home him.

Then she remembered a friend of my mum's who they often visit during holidays. DD9's dream of a home and garden. DD9 was franticly trying to get Nanma to phone her friend to see if she would take Sheldon and his mum Cockleshell.

Yahoo. So the best for everyone.
DD9 still gets to see her chickens in the holidays. The chickens get to roam and be happy. We get to concentrate on smaller chickens.

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