Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Clay bowls

Last years circus school Christmas float was "cave man" theme.
Dd8 was really excited and very into it even though she is one of the youngest in the class.

There were many after school dates to make the float and put together costumes. 
Dd8 was so excited to make her own cave dwelling in the back of a HUGE trailor. She created her own home.
While the end of year school work came to a close she chose to make some amazing bowls for display and use in theme.

She spent two days worth of art time to make three bowls each developing on the theme set out in her school books from Oak Meadow.
But she extended it and made them bigger and stronger.
As her bowls grew in size they started to collapse under the weight. As she didn't have weeks to do this project she opted to use a kitchen mixing bowl to hold the clay in place while drying.
She remembered back to when we did mask making last term and placed tissue paper between the clay and bowl "so it doesn't stick mum"

This bowl was her first attempt and it sagged a bit but we worked it up into a pouring bowl.
The second bowl she had the idea down but with typical 8 year old patents she didn't want to smooth the joins together.

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