Thursday, January 29, 2015

Computer club January

A pretty intense day today dd8 has been working with her little friend on a maze. Very cool!

Ds5 who is pretty hard to work with some days found his way onto the hour of code web site again...oh it was excitement for about 1.5hrs! He was so into it!!

I tell you my brain was mush but he was so quick picking stuff up that I nor his teacher could see.
Loved the idea of copy and paste lol.
But as this program was for MUCH older kids it did towards the end get a bit too hard...he can only count to 20 some times and he's pretty good with letter sounds and simple words but really I needed a lot more than he's got yet.

I played the game Dd8 had been working on ...oh my goodness how does she understand it all.
She mostly worked on her own today very well to...didn't see her for hours.

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